The AvantaPure Logix software used on Pentair’s Autotrol 269 valves is being updated to allow for longer brine prep time of 120 minutes. Along with(more…)
Category: Tutorials
Greg teaches you how to do things
McGraw Hill Continuing Education – Template Assisted Crystallization
Across the world, protecting water resources and improving water quality has become a major political and strategic focus. Fresh water and treated water is a miraculous combination of minerals, nutrients and chemicals that give life on this planet.
WQA Aquatech 2012 – Water and Nutritional Supplements
My presentation at WQA Aquatech 2012 is about the importance of water quality experts having a better understanding of water, health, aquaceuticals, nutraceuticals and other(more…)
Copper fouling in a water softener in Utah
Resin cleaners like ProGuard assist the resin in purging metallic ions from it’s structured matrix. As a side benefit, ProGuard will clean the resin more effectively and hold the metals in suspension through the use of EDTA, an effective chelating agent.
Dealing with Organic Fouling on Anion Resin
Brine cleaning is an effective treatment for removing organic contaminants on strong and weak base anion resins in demineralizers, organic traps and Dealkalizer units. When(more…)
Water DOG – Spare Parts and Product Repairs
If you are one of the thousands of homeowners and businesses who invested in a Water DOG HD, HDi or low-flow oxidizing system, you know(more…)