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Can I drink soft water? – Is there salt in soft water?
Softened water contains a very low amount of sodium. If you are concerned about sodium intake, use Potassium Chloride salt instead of sodium chloride salt, drink hard water, or process the water further with a reverse osmosis purifier.
Autotrol 440i Service Parts Discontinuation
We will continue to offer complete 460TC control assemblies as a replacement for the legacy 440i controls, and the Fleck 3200 timer as a replacement for the A100.
Warm temperatures and rainfall reduce snowpack across the West this week
The current snow water equivalent percent of median map shows a reduction in percent of median at many stations in the West from a week ago. Many stations in the northern part of the West are near or below median. The highest percent of median continues to be across southeast Oregon, northern California, Nevada, southern Utah, and Colorado
Arsenic – It lurks beneath
If you’re facing an Arsenic treatment project, don’t merely rely on articles like this to select treatment technologies, consult with a Master Water Specialist or Consulting Engineer to ensure that you don’t miss anything.
Arsenic in wine from irrigation water?
I would definitely NOT use water containing arsenic during any phase of the winemaking or bottling process. Any processing water should have the arsenic completely removed through an industry-proven technology.