It is our deepest sorrow to inform you of the passing of Donald Felton the father of our 1983 – 1984 PWQA Past President, Mark Felton. Don passed away peacefully Wednesday afternoon.
WQA Professional Certification – 40 Years on
One of the biggest achievements has been completing the Modular Education Program. It modernized and restructured the content delivery for certification and training to take advantage of current learning technology and best practices in adult learning.
Winter 2017 – Utah Water Watch
Utah State University’s Winter 2017 Water News
Rise above the competition
As a business owner, ignorance is your worst enemy. Ignorance leads to lost business opportunities, the inability to hire the best employees and of course, an inevitable loss of income and profitability. As the leader of your organization, you need to stay focused on continuously improving your technical, business and leadership skills. As soon as you think you know it all, or even that you know enough, you’ve begun your descent to business failure and industry obscurity.
Sustainability Certification – It’s a Big Deal
Consumers want products that are sustainable and environmentally responsible. Consultants, Resellers, and Manufacturers are becoming increasingly concerned about making environmental claims for fear that they might be accused of “green-washing,” which is the practice of making unfounded, misleading, or unsubstantiated environmental claims.
Introduction to membrane separations
Membrane separation systems are an environmentally friendly technology and valuable in lowering the overall environmental impact of our projects.