WQA Support for NDAA 2017

Studies have found PFOA and PFOS in the blood samples of the general human population and wildlife nationwide. Studies also indicate that continued exposure to low levels of PFOA in drinking water may result in adverse health effects. These chemicals bioaccumulate in living organisms compounding the exposure and potential impacts on human health.

NSF releases P453

This protocol was developed with input from various industry organizations and benefited from a public review comment period. NSF International has additional services to assist facility operators in establishing and verifying their management plans for cooling tower water systems through education, guidance in developing plans and third-party verification audits.

The tip of the Iceberg

The true nature of the effects of these emerging contaminants on our health is largely unknown, since some of them are so difficult to test for, and there are many interfering factors. Since multiple, continuous sources of exposure to these contaminants exist in the environment, it will continue to be very difficult to define true causal relationships, so the safest path is to avoid ingestion, especially through drinking water.