The tip of the Iceberg

The true nature of the effects of these emerging contaminants on our health is largely unknown, since some of them are so difficult to test for, and there are many interfering factors. Since multiple, continuous sources of exposure to these contaminants exist in the environment, it will continue to be very difficult to define true causal relationships, so the safest path is to avoid ingestion, especially through drinking water.

California strikes down Chrome VI (Cr6) regulation

Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) is expected to complete sometime this year its 5-year review of the Public Health Goal for Cr6. The PHG is currently set at 0.02 ppb. That review was initiated late in 2016, with an abundance of new scientific research about health effects of Cr6. The most recent publicized activity on this was OEHHA’s extension of the comment period for this review until December 13, 2016.