Does Soft Water help your Skin?

Naturally, we’ve all heard the anecdotal reports of eczema clearing and psoriasis lessening, and even cases of dandruff resolving completely once someone includes soft water in their cleaning regimen; however it is important to stress that Water Softeners and other water quality management devices are not medical devices, so we cannot and should not advertise or promote them as such.

Prescription Drug Take-Back Day April 26th 2014

DEA works with state and local law enforcement agencies to host National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. The purpose of this day is to provide a venue for people to safely dispose of unused prescription drugs, so they don’t put the drugs in the trash or flush them down the toilet (where they could eventually end up in our water).

I Hate Hard Water!

Hard Water has no place in modern civilized society and should be banished like so many other pests and problems that we have had to overcome. As a local water quality improvement expert, it is your obligation and privilege to help homes and business to stamp out the Hard Water problem. Stop the madness, and become a Clean Water Crusader!

Help Wanted?

People like you, they love your personal touch and the fact that you really care about their water, but that personal touch is keeping you away from those you love. You’re working more for your business than it is working for you. It’s definitely time to make a change. The thought of hiring help is intimidating to many entrepreneurs, since you’re allowing someone else insider access to your business and you must entrust them to interact with your clients. This should not be a scary subject, especially when approached pragmatically.