The new 1 μg maximum allowable level of lead requirements outlined in the bill are based on the standard NSF 61 2020. As promised during our prior collaborative discussions with your office and the sponsors regarding AB 2060, PMI advocated successfully for an expedited publication of NSF 61 2020 that occurred in August 2020. PMI’s actions clearly demonstrate that industry wants to achieve the objectives of AB 100. However, just like with NSF 61 2020 that allows for manufacturers to have until January 1, 2024 to certify all endpoint devices that provide drinking water to the new lead requirements in the standard, AB 100 needs to be revised accordingly to provide sufficient time for all those involved in the supply chain to get certified product to the marketplace.

Category: News
Aggregated news from other sources – published to aid in reaching a broader audience. Copyright is retained by original author and/or publisher/s as the case may be.
Say NO to the PRO Act
The PRO Act (H.R. 2474 and S.B.1306) attempts to implement radical labor policies and would enact harmful policy changes that would eliminate right-to-work protections in 27 states, violate employees’ privacy, upend the business community and devastate the economy especially in a COVID-19 economic recovery.
NACE and SSPC have merged to become AMPP
NACE and SSPC have united to serve the corrosion prevention and coatings industry, and advance the future of materials protection and performance.
Water Treatment for Dummies – 2nd Edition
Anyone can download the booklet for free, and WQA-members can order printed copies by paying shipping and handling fees. Details are at
WQA 2021 Convention & Exposition postponed to July 28-30
WQA has postponed its 2021 Convention & Exposition until July 28-30 in hope of increasing the likelihood of hosting a successful in-person event. The event is still set for the Las Vegas Convention Center, in the same space originally set aside for WQA to gather in late April.
WQA unveils new consumer-outreach website
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