The UPC and UMC are the are the most utilized codes for the protection of the health and safety of the public. Jurisdictions that adopt the UPC and UMC include Spanish speaking communities. Having a code that is translated into their language will be beneficial for the proper and safe installation of plumbing and mechanical systems.

Water Demand Calculator Summit Nov 2022 (
Join us for the virtual “2022 Water Demand Calculator Summit.” This one-day event will review some of the first steps taken over the last year in expanding the Water Demand Calculator from residential to commercial buildings, review some of the economic and sustainability benefits of the plumbing industry and owners in using the Calculator, and get a “view from space” of the Calculator from domestic and international colleagues. Join us as we learn together about the “Small Steps & Giant Leaps” that were made this past year!IAPMO CEU’s will be awarded.
2022 California Plumbing Code, California Mechanical Code Now Available
The 2022 editions of the California Plumbing Code (CPC®) and California Mechanical Code (CMC®) have been formally released. Both the hardcopy and eBook versions, viewable on computers, tablets and smart phones, can be purchased and downloaded via the IAPMO web store.
NSPC Hearing – August 11 2022
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Geoff Bilau (909) 472-4218 National Standard Plumbing Code Public Hearing Set for Aug. 11 Ontario, Calif. (May 12, 2022) – The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO®) encourages all members and industry representatives to review the proposed code changes for the 2024 National Standard Plumbing Code (NSPC) and attend the NSPC public hearing, Aug. 11, in Atlantic(more…)
Code Review – Air Gaps
From the 2018 UPC Illustrated Training Manual, Chapter 6, WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION 611.2 Air Gap Discharge. Discharge from drinking water treatment units shall enter the(more…)
New legislation to support US investment into plumbing research
American consumers today reap the benefits of state-of-the-art water fixtures and appliances, such as water-saving shower heads and efficient washing machines, However, the plumbing that carries water to these fixtures and appliances has not kept pace. In fact, …, newly built plumbing systems are often inefficient and inappropriate for current plumbing fixtures and appliances