Parker at WQA 2018: system design tips to reduce water system leak paths
Visit Parker’s booth # 637 at WQA 2018, and learn new ways to reduce water system leak paths and assembly time
In-Booth Learning THIS IS PARKER… more than just fittings and tubing– An in-depth discussion on topics including RO water distribution systems and the importance of correct purveyance system routing.
Speaker: Gary Battenberg Date:3/27/18 at 2:00 p.m. Description: Full system integration Location: Booth 637
S.T.A.M.P. – What you need to know about size, temperature, applications, media and pressure as key factors when designing a water system.
Speaker: Gary Battenberg
Date: 3/28/18 at 11:00 a.m.
Description: Choosing the right materials for your application
Location: Booth 637