Burdened Labor Costing the First Step to Profitable Retail Labor Pricing – Apex eSuite
2018 Aquatech China in Shanghai
Join the team of exhibitors at the WQA Pavilion at Aquatech China May 31 – June 2
WQA Executive Director recognized for leadership
Pauli Undesser has worked for WQA since 2007, serving as Director of Regulatory and Technical Affairs and Water Quality Research Foundation Executive Director before accepting the role of Executive Director in January 2017.
2018-19 WQA President – Chris Wilker
Congratulations to WQA’s 2018-19 President Chris Wilker of EcoWater Systems in Woodbury, Minn. Outgoing WQA President Bob Maisner, left, of Paragon Water Systems in Tampa,(more…)
TCEQ accredited training in Denver 2018
10.5 hours of technical session credits toward your WTS I, II or III license are available from select sessions during the 2018 WQA show in Denver
How will California’s SB1 affect you?
The costs to maintain wells will increase due to costs that must be passed on by the various
organizations that provide the materials and labor.
There will be longer delays in getting wells or pumps serviced, and there will increased costs due to
complying with these regulations, as there will be fewer pieces of equipment and contractors
available to service the well and equipment