12/23/2016 – Lindon City, Utah announced a boil order because of of E.coli bacteria.
Category: Tutorials
Greg teaches you how to do things
Arsenic – It lurks beneath
If you’re facing an Arsenic treatment project, don’t merely rely on articles like this to select treatment technologies, consult with a Master Water Specialist or Consulting Engineer to ensure that you don’t miss anything.
Hard to Lather – Easy to Fix
Hard water is called “Hard”, for a number of reasons…some say it’s because it is full of hard rock-like inorganic mineral compounds like calcium carbonate. Others call it hard because it’s hard on the wallet, plumbing, faucets, laundry, and appliances. I like to teach my team that it is hard to lather. Soft water is called soft because “soft” is the opposite of “hard” and it sounds better than “easy”.
Protect your Wellhead
Owning your own well makes you the proprietor of your own water utility. You are responsible for the quality of your own water supply, and also for protecting it’s source. Without vigilant wellhead protection, aquifers can become contaminated, and entire communities and geographic areas will suffer.
Cyanotoxins and Microcystin
The Water Quality Association has released an official statement on cyanotoxins such as microcystin, which was recently detected in the public water supply serving Toledo, Ohio.
Help Wanted?
People like you, they love your personal touch and the fact that you really care about their water, but that personal touch is keeping you away from those you love. You’re working more for your business than it is working for you. It’s definitely time to make a change. The thought of hiring help is intimidating to many entrepreneurs, since you’re allowing someone else insider access to your business and you must entrust them to interact with your clients. This should not be a scary subject, especially when approached pragmatically.