Category: Dealer Dynamics
Greg’s articles as printed in the excellent Water Conditioning and Purification, and international water treatment trade journal.
Dealer Dynamics: Service Excellence
In today’s economy, homeowners are thinking long and hard before spending their hard-earned resources on anything that they consider a “luxury”. Many dealers report that(more…)
Dealer Dynamics: Financial Intelligence
Dealer Dynamics Financial Intelligence By Greg Reyneke In today’s uncertain economy, many business owners are having to take a serious look at their business, how(more…)
Dealer Dynamics: Digital Delights
Digital Delights It’s the 21st century, everyone’s going digital…Stop being a Luddite and step into the information age, and it’s time to get smart.(more…)
Dealer Dynamics – Surviving Hard Times
Dealer Dynamics– Surviving hard times by Greg Reyneke CWS-VI As we continue to hear bad news about the economy, many business owners are fearful that(more…)
Dealer Dynamics – WCP Magazine
I am now writing a monthly column for Water Conditioning and Purification Magazine. The column will be under the heading: Dealer Dynamics. Look for my(more…)