A recent National Cancer Institute study looked at the connection between elevated levels of bladder cancer detected in New England and concentrations of arsenic – a waterborne contaminant known to increase the risk of bladder cancer – found in private wells around that region.

Tag: well
California comes clean about well drillers reports
California is the last Western state to make its well logs public. Some states, including Texas, even post them online. The secrecy dates back to the late 1940s, when the state’s well drillers fought to protect prime drilling spots from competitors.
National Groundwater Awareness Week 2015
About 44 percent of the U.S. population, and as much as 96 percent in rural areas, relies on groundwater for its drinking supply. Contaminated groundwater(more…)
Protect your Wellhead
Owning your own well makes you the proprietor of your own water utility. You are responsible for the quality of your own water supply, and also for protecting it’s source. Without vigilant wellhead protection, aquifers can become contaminated, and entire communities and geographic areas will suffer.
Uninvited Guests – bacteria and other organisms can exist in groundwater
Modern UV systems are so much more cost-effective and easy to maintain than their outdated ancestors, that I recommend installing a 254 nm UV radiator on every home after their softener for increased peace of mind and better water quality.
CU-Boulder offers well users guide for testing water in areas of oil and gas development – See more at: http://www.colorado.edu/news/releases/2014/04/03/cu-boulder-offers-well-users-guide-testing-water-areas-oil-and-gas#sthash.rV3QnVwK.dpuf
To download a free copy of the guide, visit http://cwerc.colorado.edu. For questions about obtaining the guide or to order a printed version, visit the website or call 303-492-4561. – See more at: http://www.colorado.edu/news/releases/2014/04/03/cu-boulder-offers-well-users-guide-testing-water-areas-oil-and-gas#sthash.rV3QnVwK.dpuf