Utah State University’s Winter 2017 Water News

Tag: utah
Lindon City Utah Boil Order
12/23/2016 – Lindon City, Utah announced a boil order because of of E.coli bacteria.
Salt Lake City’s Water Shortage
Salt Lake City is not immune to the realities of the climate change crisis and our recent below average snowfall is a clear sign of that. We are doing everything we can to address this problem for the short and long term.
Soft Water not for Drinking? – Is softened water corrosive?
Hard water contains calcium and/or magnesium ions. These ions make soap hard to lather, giving hard water its name. For water to be called “soft”, it must be devoid of these hardness ions. There is a significant difference between “naturally soft” water and “ion exchange softened” water.
Ephraim, Utah had a little power problem…
Ephraim recently experienced a massive power surge in certain parts of the city. This surge caused damage to many appliances, including water softeners, conditioners, and(more…)
Older Erie 541 water softener circuit boards and programming guide
As many of you know, the Erie 541 series water softener control base platform used to be of the most common systems in the USA. There are(more…)