Globally, we haven’t done the best job in protecting of resources. Humanity has an almost limitless potential to innovate and we need to spend our energy and efforts in responsibly harmonizing with our natural world while cleaning the mess we’ve already made. Until we figure out how to progress without negative consequences, we must assume that all waters will be contaminated to some extent with numerous contaminants. It just makes sense to filter and purify all waters that we drink, work with, and play with.

Tag: pollution
Are you drinking clean and safe water?
Excellent informational write-up and infographics by WaterLogic and Ghergich & Co Cases such as the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, demonstrate how tenuous our access to safe, clean(more…)
Nearly a third of Americans have had some sort of water problem in the last year
J.D. Power released the 2017 Water Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Study, which reports that nearly one-third (32%) of residential customers reported some type of water(more…)
We all live Downstream
As water quality improvement and management professionals, it is our responsibility to learn and understand the impact of anthropogenic and natural environmental contamination, especially comprehending the fact that water in the air, water on the ground, and water under the ground is subject to constant change and movement.
Oregon DEQ report examines toxic chemicals in state waters
The study is the first statewide assessment of toxics in water across Oregon. It is the result of more than five years of data that DEQ collected from 177 monitoring sites throughout the state from 2008 to 2013. DEQ visited most sites three times and analyzed water samples for more than 500 different chemicals.
Pharmaceuticals leaching into Groundwater
Pharmaceuticals and other contaminants from treated municipal wastewater can travel into shallow groundwater following their release to streams, according to a recent USGS study. The research was conducted at Fourmile Creek, a small, wastewater-dominated stream near Des Moines, Iowa.