COVID-19 transmission not linked to drinking water supplies

Tag: cdc
Are you drinking clean and safe water?
Excellent informational write-up and infographics by WaterLogic and Ghergich & Co Cases such as the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, demonstrate how tenuous our access to safe, clean(more…)
Neti Pots can be Dangerous
Neti Pots and other gadgets have become a fixture in many homes to flush out clogged nasal passages and help people breathe easier. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), improper use of these neti pots and other nasal rinsing devices can actually increase your risk of serious infection.
Prescription Drug Take-Back Day April 26th 2014
DEA works with state and local law enforcement agencies to host National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. The purpose of this day is to provide a venue for people to safely dispose of unused prescription drugs, so they don’t put the drugs in the trash or flush them down the toilet (where they could eventually end up in our water).
Still drinking your Fluoride?
I read this article on the WEF’s website and it certainly reminded me that the concept of municipal mass-medication is severely flawed. It is incomprehensible to me that anyone in their right mind would attempt to apply a nutritional supplement or medicine through drinking water, since there is no control over the amount of water people drink in a day and there appears to be no consideration give to varying body types, interfering chemicals and consumption volumes. I’m not a doctor, so I am hopelessly unqualified to comment on the merits of ingesting fluoride; if fluoride is good for you and acts as a medicine to protect teeth/bones and has serious overdose side-effects like mottling, fluorosis etc… then it should be applied by a competent medical professional like a doctor or dentist. From my own personal research it appears that topical applications of fluoride are best, instead of ingestion, so I certainly am not interested in me or my family to be drinking fluoride at all. I hope the lesson learned here is that cities shouldn’t attempt mass-medication and instead deliver water that is as clean as possible without adding chemicals to it that could affect human health.
I personally choose not to drink “nutrients” or “medicines” in my water. I’d much rather drink clean, clear delicious water and add nutritional supplements/medicines as necessary in dosages appropriate for my body size and prevailing medical conditions based on the recommendation of my health practitioner.