Naturally, we’ve all heard the anecdotal reports of eczema clearing and psoriasis lessening, and even cases of dandruff resolving completely once someone includes soft water in their cleaning regimen; however it is important to stress that Water Softeners and other water quality management devices are not medical devices, so we cannot and should not advertise or promote them as such.

Tag: calcium
Aquaceuticals – Drink to your health – Part 2
A smart dealer wanting to learn about aquaceuticals needs to quickly develop a broad understanding of the key concepts in this fascinating and rapidly growing(more…)
McGraw Hill Continuing Education – Template Assisted Crystallization
Across the world, protecting water resources and improving water quality has become a major political and strategic focus. Fresh water and treated water is a miraculous combination of minerals, nutrients and chemicals that give life on this planet.
WQA Aquatech 2012 – Water and Nutritional Supplements
My presentation at WQA Aquatech 2012 is about the importance of water quality experts having a better understanding of water, health, aquaceuticals, nutraceuticals and other(more…)
Soft Water not for Drinking? – Is softened water corrosive?
Hard water contains calcium and/or magnesium ions. These ions make soap hard to lather, giving hard water its name. For water to be called “soft”, it must be devoid of these hardness ions. There is a significant difference between “naturally soft” water and “ion exchange softened” water.
British study finds no eczema cure from softened water
Eczema is a number of chronic inflammatory skin conditions that affect many people around the world. As many as one in nine persons will be diagnosed with eczema at some point in their life. The actual causes of eczema are not entirely understood, but it is generally agreed that it is related to an immune condition.Soap scum can easily create a home for bacteria and other unwanted contaminants on every surface it touches. Since skin is one of the surfaces that soap scum can contaminate, it is easy to understand that soap scum will stick to skin and hair; choking and clogging pores and possibly even causing irritation to sensitive skin.Hard water residue can also accumulate in the fibers of clothing, making them rough and irritating.
It is logical to me that by removing soap scum from my household, it is one further irritant removed from the equation. Soft water is certainly not a cure to dandruff, eczema, skin rash or other health conditions, but it certainly is BETTER than hard water. I recommend that anyone suffering from skin ailments consult with their medical practitioner and remove as many irritants from their lifestyle, like hard water, and chlorine.