To support and grow the health, sustainability and credibility of the water quality industry in Canada.
- To train, educate and certify water quality professionals
- To serve as a unified and credible voice to our membership, government and the public
- To be the resource for industry information and statistics
About Us
Founded in 1956, the Canadian Water Quality Association (CWQA) is the voice of Canada’s residential, commercial, industrial and institutional water treatment industry. Our industry is a vital and growing part of Canada’s economy in communities across the country. Our industry directly and indirectly supports more than 10,000 jobs, paying more than $500 Million in wages in Canada. We generate $3 billion in annual economic activity, and provide over $720 Million in federal and provincial revenues each year. CWQA directly represents more than 200 small and medium-sized businesses across Canada and we train, certify and advocate for over a 1000 companies in Canada. CWQA members include small business dealers/retailers, wholesale distributors and manufacturers of water treatment components and systems, constituting a sector where Canada is recognized as a global leader and a critical innovator.
Our Board of Directors
Our History
It began in 1956 with a group of water treatment dealers originally established as the Canadian Association of Water Conditioning (CAWC) came together for the purpose of:
- Conduct meetings to deal with common and shared operator issues
- Improve the standing of water conditioning operators in their community and within the industry (includes educating and certifying water quality professionals and sharing latest technical and scientific information acquired through laboratory testing and research studies through newsletters and special publications)
- Provide public/consumer education on the industry and foster and stimulate public demand for conditioned water (promote an individual’s right to quality water)
- Create a forum among members and non-members to share industry information and useful business practices, methods and procedures
- Create co-operative services for the mutual benefit of the operators
- To establish objectives which are recognized as proper and lawful objectives of trade associations consistent with both public and industry interest (including promoting the growth of the water quality improvement industry)
CWQA received its federal charter as a national trade association in 1960!
In 1975, the CAWC merged with the Canadian Water Conditioning Manufacturers Association (CWCMA), their sister manufacturer’s association, to form what is CWQA (the Canadian Water Quality Association) today. The intention of the group was to:
- Create a single Canadian voice for water treatment dealers, manufacturers and stakeholders within the water treatment industry
- Assist all levels of government in understanding our industry and serve as a unified voice in government and public relations and staying in close contact with federal regulatory and legislative officials (not only warning of impending legislation but also acting before laws are passed)
- Deliver clean safe water to all Canadians
Past Presidents
A list of our Past Presidents in recognition and appreciation of the service and leadership they have provided to the industry and the Association. They have been a leading part of our history and the legacy of CWQA.