The Pacific Water Quality Association (PWQA) is a non-profit organization representing the water quality improvement industry. Our members include retailers, assemblers, manufacturers and suppliers, as well as auxiliary member companies. The goal of the PWQA is to provide all consumers equal access to quality water options for home, business and commercial water treatment applications. Our members strive to provide the very best water quality improvement devices, back by trained, certified professionals who understand how to improve the customer’s existing water supplies with safe and sound cutting-edge technologies.

The Pacific Water Quality Association was founded in 1957 as the Pacific Water Conditioning Association. In 1975 the Association re-named itself the Pacific Water Quality Association to better emphasize the membership’s involvement with all aspects of the water quality improvement industry.

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Come, join the best Association for Water Quality Professionals in the West!

As a member of the Pacific Water Quality Association (PWQA), you join hundreds of water quality improvement professionals, creating a body of opportunity not achievable by any single company. PWQA provides access to services and benefits that your contemporaries have identified as crucial to the industry’s continuation.


Our goals include:

  • Foster and promote the use of industry equipment, products, and services.
  • Stimulate public awareness regarding the benefits of water quality improvement.
  • Provide programs that will enhance the members’ ability to perform services and sell products.
  • Provide an avenue for the members and the industry to express opinions to the public and relay pertinent information regarding the industry back to the membership.
  • Coordinate efforts with the Water Quality Association (WQA) toward the accomplishment of mutual objectives


Originally formed on August 15, 1957, the concept was to provide a forum for discussion and action on regional issues of interest to the industry. The association, as a representative of the water quality improvement industry in the West, includes among its membership businesses engaged in sales and service of portable exchange softening, automatic water softeners, reverse osmosis systems, and other types of drinking water equipment who operate as retailers, assemblers, suppliers and manufacturers.
PWQA maintains an office and a support staff to serve its members; officers and directors are elected from various segments of the industry. As the industry voice in the West, PWQA concentrates on state and local issues within several states.


  1. Cooperation with governmental regulatory agencies.
  2. Ensure the highest standards of practice by the membership through self-regulation and internal policing.
  3. Environmental compatibly through technological advances and industry practices.
  4. Consumer information and education.


Your Ideas, Your Time, Your Financial Support, Your Experience, Your Network of Associates


As an industry voice to represent the members’ positions on important issues.

  • As a watchdog to monitor legislative and regulatory proposals by government, that impact the industry.
  • As an avenue for new opportunities related to the industry.
  • As an educational platform for becoming more informed on all aspects of running, managing or working in the industry.
  • As a vehicle for networking and social interaction with industry members.


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