OWQA Annual Meeting
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Cherry Valley Lodge in Newark, Ohio

Check back for details

Ohio Water Quality Association

The Ohio Water Quality Association (OWQA) is the state trade association representing the water treatment industry.

OWQA works in Ohio with government agencies, consumer protection groups and other associations to guard the rights of homeowners and Ohio Water Treatment Professionals.

Each OWQA member pledges to uphold all principles of fair, competitive selling.

OWQA is proud to support the Water Quality Association. WQA is the international trade association representing the household, commercial, industrial and small community water treatment industry. The WQA offers a wealth of information right at your fingertips and can be reached by clicking on the link in the main menu at the top of the page.

Scholarships Available

OWQA has a scholarship fund that offers support to up to four students each year. An application form and eligibility rules are posted below.

Scholarship Application Form

Scholarship Eligibility Rules.


Benefits of OWQA Membership

Contact With State Government

Through OWQA, the water treatment industry of Ohio speaks with one voice to government. We keep in close contact with the Ohio Department of Health, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. This provides us the opportunity learn what changes are being proposed and to have input on issues that impact how you do business in Ohio.

We also closely monitor what is happening in the legislative arena.

OWQA Works Closely With WQA

While OWQA works right here in Ohio to guard your state rights, WQA works in your behalf at the national level. OWQA’s Regent represents the state association at the national level. Problems beset the water treatment dealer at both the federal and state level; therefore, membership in both organizations is important.

We examine programs, problems and issues that could concern OWQA members…and put the facts at your fingertips, no matter where you live and work. Your association constantly keeps its ear to the ground, sifting and clarifying information vital to your business. We see that you receive new guidelines governing personal property assessment, individual septic system regulation permits for discharge of waste water, environmental regulations – anything at all that might affect your operations.

Periodic OWQA bulletins and newsletters bring this important information to you – clearly, factually, to save you hours of personal fact-gathering time. This service alone is worth several times the price of your OWQA membership.

Each year OWQA offers its members educational opportunities with seminars conducted by experts in water treatment and other fields.

Consumer Protection Standards Help Build, Keep Public Confidence

Our members subscribe to a Code of Ethics concerned with business practices that encourage consumer respect. As a result, our water treatment industry has earned public confidence at a period when many other businesses have lost it. Working together and with other consumer protection groups, we’ve discouraged the onslaught of “fast-buck artists”…and made OWQA the right business climate for your business. That’s why you belong in OWQA – today!

We believe in and support the same fine business practices that you do!

If you are interested in becoming a member, click here.

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